What Are Some Products That May Impact TAC Levels?

The Skyn has a very responsive sensor and is excellent at detecting alcohol. Because of this capability, it is possible for the Skyn to detect even trace amounts of alcohol from products in the surrounding area or on the wearer's skin, and those products may impact TAC readings. These products can cause a sustained very high TAC signal that may persist for an hour or more. 

To avoid any issues, your BACtrack Skyn should not be used or stored near the following substances, or other substances that contain methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol or acetone.

Examples of common substances that may influence test results include, but are not limited to:

1. Medicinal alcohol

2. Household cleaners and disinfectants

3. Lotions

4. Body washes

5. Perfumes and colognes

6. Breath fresheners

7. Hand sanitizers (Hand sanitizer in particular has a big impact on Skyn TAC readings. If possible, it is best to use a non-alcohol based hand sanitizer).

8. Other alcohol-based hygiene products and inhalants

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